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The term "drinking water" refers to water which is intended for human consumption or other domestic use, is purely physical, chemical, biological and microbiological. Drinking water should be colorless, odorless, cool and with a pleasant taste, when this does not happen it means the presence of harmful contaminants such as high hardness, organic matter, heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms. When they are at high levels they endanger human health. There is a need for close monitoring of its quality, in order to identify and address in time any problem that could affect its suitability. Our laboratory performs all the necessary analysis for the suitability of drinking water.
The basic analysis includes:
For the correct sampling you need a sterile bottle, you can get it either from a pharmacy (24- hour urine collector - 2.5 liters) or contact our laboratory to supply you with a suitable bottle. Disinfect the faucet with alcohol from where you want to do the sampling. Let the tap run for 1-2 minutes and collect the sample without touching the edge of the faucet. Send the sample immediately to the laboratory keeping the sample temperature low (~ 5-8 stC). In case you do not want a microbiological test, rinse a glass or plastic bottle 3-4 times with water and fill it, leaving a few centimeters empty from the top of the glass.


Hydroponic is the method of growing plants without the use of soil, as an agent of growing the root system. Plants grow in water where the necessary nutrients are added. The roots of the plants grow either in other "substrate" materials (rock wool, perlite, coconut, expanded clay and peat) through which water constantly passes, or in water in which all the necessary nutrients have been dissolved (nutrient solution). The type of nutrient solution used depends on the type of system. The systems are divided into open and closed. In open growing systems the substrate is constantly supplied with new nutrients, while the old ones are removed through the drainage system. In closed or recycled systems, nutrients are not removed by drainage but are collected and returned to the plants. This is very useful when no substrate is used or when the substrate retains relatively little moisture (expanded clay and perlite). In hydroponic systems it is very important that the nutrients are in the right proportions of all the necessary elements that the plant needs.
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The basic analysis includes:

For the proper functioning of a hydroponic system it is necessary to check whether the water has the right amounts of nutrients that plants need for their growth. Initially, it is recommended to check the composition of the water, then the water with the added nutrients in order to estimate the correct proportion of the nutrients needed depending on crop and, finally, the drainage water or leaching water in order to estimate the absorbed nutrients from the plants.
For more information contact our laboratory.


Working Hours

Mon - Fri :

Sat - Sun :

8:00 - 16:00


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