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Under EU law, pre-packaged food sold in the EU must be labeled to inform consumers about their energy and nutritional content.
This is the so-called "nutrition statement" which must appear directly on the package or on the label of the product.
The nutrition declaration must include the following information:
A common definition of the energy value of food is the amount of energy released by the burning of the three main food groups (carbohydrates, fats & proteins) in the human body. The energy value is calculated using the conversion factors and is expressed in kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (kcal) per 100 g or per 100 ml.
Fats are a class of macronutrients with high energy value (9 kcal / g). Fats provide more than twice the calories contained in an equivalent amount of carbohydrates or protein (4 kcal/g each). Due to its high calorie content, the consumption of many fats makes it easier to meet the total calorie needs. Fats are divided into saturated and unsaturated, saturated are those whose chemical compound has no double bond between carbon atoms, while unsaturated are those whose chemical compound consists of one (monounsaturated), or more (polyunsaturated) double bonds.
Carbohydrates are macronutrients found in some foods and beverages and are made up of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms. Sugars, starch and fiber are carbohydrates. The words "total carbohydrates" on the food label refer to a combination of all three types. The digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose or blood sugar. The bloodstream absorbs glucose and uses it as energy to supply the body.
Proteins are used by our cells to build, repair and maintain our muscles, organs and glands and boost our immune system. The construction of proteins in our body involves a complex combination of amino acid chains.
The body can produce 13 of the required amino acids, which are considered non- essential amino acids, as we do not need to get them from our diet. There are 9 amino acids that we can not produce that should be obtained through the foods we eat daily and these are considered to be the essential amino acids.
We need to have at least 20 amino acids for the synthesis of proteins in our body, we use food to secure the extra proteins. Thus, the protein provided by a food is classified as either complete or incomplete protein.
A food full of protein provides all the essential amino acids that are essential for the body. Foods that are considered full-protein include beef, lamb, pork, poultry, cheese, eggs, fish and milk.
Foods that do not provide all the essential amino acids contain lean protein (plant foods), which includes whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
Combining both lean protein foods with complete protein foods will allow the body to receive the essential amino acids needed daily.
Salt is made up of the elements sodium and chlorine (NaCl). Salt is usually added to foods to improve the taste, but it is also used in food preservation. Sodium in salt is a key mineral for controlling water levels in the body. It is also required for the function of nerves and muscles. However, too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease.
The following nutrients may be optionally listed on the nutrition declaration:

Alcohols containing more than two hydroxyl groups.

Starch chemically belongs to the polysaccharides. It consists of tens of thousands of molecules of glucose and is an important component of the human diet. It is an odorless, tasteless white substance that is widely found in plant tissue and is obtained mainly from cereals and potatoes.
Edible fibers are carbohydrate polymers with three or more monomers, which are not digested or absorbed by the small intestine of the human body. Studies have shown that dietary fiber contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, cholesterol control, lowering blood pressure and improving blood sugar levels.
Οι βιταμίνες είναι οργανικές ουσίες που είναι απαραίτητες σε μικρές ποσότητες για φυσιολογική υγεία και ανάπτυξη.


According to article 25 of the Food and Beverage Code and ISO 7086-2: 2000 the quantities of lead and cadmium released from ceramic or glass objects must not exceed specific limits per category.
ARAL has been an accredited laboratory since 2012 in determining the release of lead and cadmium in glass and ceramic objects.
In addition, guidance is provided to the customer regarding the correct completion of the Declaration of Conformity that accompanies the ceramic articles in accordance with Annex III of Directive 84/500 / EEC as amended and in force.
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Food security is a high priority issue for sustainable global development. In recent decades, the negative effects of contaminants on crop quality have threatened both food safety and human health. Heavy metals (eg Hg, As, Pb, Cd and Cr) can disrupt human metabolism, usually with indirect negative effects.
According to Regulation 1881/2006 / EU they have set maximum permissible limits for the concentrations of heavy metals in various types of food.
ARAL applies international and recognized methods for the determination of heavy metals in food.


Aflatoxins are a group of toxic and carcinogenic substances found in nature. Aflatoxins are produced by fungi (mold), which grow mainly on dried fruits, nuts (especially peanuts and almonds), spices, grains and cheeses, when there are suitable humidity and temperature conditions. They can also occur in the milk of animals that have been fed with feed (corn, etc.), in which fungi (fungal, mold) had developed.
According to Regulation 1881/2006 / EU they have set maximum permissible levels of aflatoxin concentrations in various types of food.


It is accepted that the largest amount of microorganisms we receive through the consumption of food. Microorganisms can simply be transported through food, but in most cases they use food as a substrate and multiply using their metabolic potential as degraders. The increase of microorganisms in food usually leads to changes in the composition of food due to the consumption of their ingredients and the production of microbial variables resulting in changes in their organoleptic properties, alterations and degradation of their quality. In fact, if some of the growing microorganisms are pathogenic or secrete toxic compounds then the food ceases to be safe.
Also if the nature of the food makes it vulnerable to the growth of microorganisms, whether or not it is subject to some treatment that limits its microflora and even if the whole processing, storage, transport can cause contamination.
To control the food, continuous microbiological analyses are performed at various stages of the production of the final product. The use of microbiological criteria can check both the final quality / safety of a food and the process followed (if good industrial practices are used, if the method of removal of microorganisms is effective, etc.). Different microbiological criteria are established at each stage of production per food category to ensure that food is safe, of good quality and will remain so until the end of its life.
The sample to be tested must be representative, and the characteristics of the batch should be preserved. By batch we mean a group or set of identifiable products which are obtained by a given process under practically the same conditions and produced in a given place within a specified production period. The selection of the sample from a batch should be random and the quantity must be sufficient for the requested analysis. In case the requested analyses are chemical and microbiological, it is preferable to send different packages for each sector. Samples should be refrigerated in easily perishable foods (eg meat) and at room temperature when stable (eg cereals).
For more information contact our laboratory.


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